Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Getting back to...

So, I'm working on creating another blog.  I wrote an article on it a little while ago.  It's called Survive, The Magazine for those of us who aren't going to lay down and die.  Pretty macho, eh?  Yeah, I think so too.

So the thing is, I'm trying to decide how to go about it.  I really want to create an online magazine, complete with multiple articles per month.  The purpose is to provide another mode for folks to prepare for what is doubtless around the bend, and help people survive the ordeal.  I see us, the USA, as living in a dream state, not living in reality.  We have lived many decades, propped up, trodding on the heads and shoulders of the "lesser" nations.  I suspect that the shtuff is going to hit the fan shortly.

I want to be ready-ish, and in making MY preparations, I intend to drag as many along for the ride as possible.  I've not lived a normal life, by any stretch of the imagination.  It's been a very different one for me.

Survive Magazine will, therefore, contain my own writings, and hopefully the writings of others who are moving in the same direction.  Since I am an Evangelical Christian, there will surely be lots of Jesus included in the mix.  We will discuss the possibilities regarding end-times scenarios, discuss theology pertinent to that subject, look at the various takes on the subject, and what to do, where to go, how to do it, how not to do it, and hopefully, be of service to our fellow man.

The blog will be called Survive Magazine, and will hopefully start within the next few months.  Survive Magazine will be hosted on



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